29th January 2016
The Blast Arena Advance source code is now available under the terms of the Affero GPL V3.
This means that in almost all circumstances, you really shouldn't be using it. But the license is the least of your worries in the BAA code...
Download Blast Arena Advance source code here.
Best of luck, hackers!
Thank you for playing Blast Arena Advance!
- Matt
14th November 2007
Phew! Every single last Blast Arena Advance cartridge has been
sold and shipped! How about that!
Many thanks go to everybody who bought one (or more!)
For the moment, I can't produce any more of them, I'm afraid.
What I'd like to do next is a full mega-tastic Blast Arena
Advance Cartridge Project post-mortem write up. For this, I would like your
You must all tell me what you'd parts of the project you'd
like me to write about, and what interested you about the project.
Please e-mail your questions and comments to matt@mrdictionary.net,
and I'll try to cover as much of it as I can.
Thank you!
- Matt
14th July 2007
Some folks have been asking for an updated list of packages
that have been sent.
Here goes: if your name is on that list,
I've sent your cartridge(s). Most recent orders are shown at the top. If you're
not on that list, holler, and I'll look into it!
9th July 2007
It turns out that the package returns were due to a sorting error
at the Post Office... thankfully it seems to be limited to only four of the packages.
Many thanks to everybody who's e-mailed me with their thoughts on the
game. Turns it out it runs just fine on the Game Boy Micro, which is a relief. :)
Please be patient if you've e-mailed me directly, it may take longer
than usual for me to reply to your e-mail.
6th July 2007
Phew! It seems that the cartridges have started to arrive
at their destinations all over the world!
Orders are coming in thick and fast! I try to post them
in batches as soon as the Post Office opens in the morning. Sometimes this
isn't possible, but I will always try to post them as soon as I can.
One thing I don't understand is this: When I go to post
the cartridges, I take a series
of identical packages to the Post Office and they weigh them and attach
the postage for me. However, four out of a series of two dozen packages
addressed to the United States have been returned to me due to insufficient
postage. Surely the Post Office would know what the correct postage would
be, right?
Apologies to Jason N., Jon F., Craig S. and Tim S. for the
delay. I'll settle this once and for all, and make sure it never happens
30th June 2007
All of the remaining 'dark' style carts have been sold! Thank you!
I'll send all of the cartridges remaining to be sent shortly. :)
29th June 2007
Wow! This is just... incredible! This page has been active
for little over a day, and sixty cartridges have been sold!
I'm packaging up and posting the first lot later today... I've received
payment from the following fine folks (surnames only shown), and they should be receiving their cartridges
sometime next week:
(Table removed.)
Thank you all for your interest, especially those of you telling your friends about
Blast Arena Advance in forums an' such! :)
Now then, I've just got a hideous tangle of Customs declaration stickers
from the post office, and I've got some packaging up to do! Have fun!
28th June 2007
Due to overwhelming demand, the Blast Arena Advance
Project is back for one final run!
I have worked behind the scenes, and created a final run of
150 unique semi-transparent teal coloured BAA cartridges. Each cartridge
comes in its own white protective case. (A popular suggestion from supporters of the
old project.)

There were a small number of original cartridges which arrived
after I shut down the Paypal buttons. I've tested these thoroughly (especially the
battery) and I've decided to put them online for a reduced price for anybody who
prefers the old 'dark' style of cartridge. They'll each come with their
own randomly coloured protective case.

Be aware that boxes or manuals are not available for either cartridge type. :(